Monday, 26 November 2012

House Style - DPS - Emma

By Emma Hall

This is an example layout of how I could set out my double page spread, with a large photograph crossing the middle, and text down the side and underneath. The colours are quite muted in this design, making it ideal for a photograph with lots of colour and interest, but would look a bit overly simplistic if used with a more standard photo.

This is a slightly different layout, which would be the second or third page of a large spread, and so includes the finishing words of an article, alongside a quick Q&A. There is more of a colour scheme here, which I have taken from my target audience survey, and looks very modern and sophisticated. However, the bright block colour used is rarely seen in the older magazines, which prefer white backgrounds or shades of grey, with colour used sparingly to highlight, as it can often distract or compete with the main image. For this reason, I think I will use my first design, though some parts can be transfered from this one, like the pulled quote interrupting text. I would also consider using dropped capitals where appropriate.

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