Monday, 26 November 2012

House Style - Cover - Emma

By Emma Hall

This is a design for a cover that uses symmetry to make a neater, more organised cover, a code older readership magazines use frequently throughout their magazines. However, they are not always found on the front cover, and this design would limit the photograph oportunities and confines the subject to the centre, though they will be framed well, as the text wrapping would force the viewer's focus onto the image. However I don't think I will use this design, as unless the image has something in the top right corner, the page may look unbalanced and a bit basic.

Instead I have chosen this plan for my cover, as the text will frame without being intrusive, whilst the cover story text is emphasised by being partitioned off to the left. The masthead and puff will form the housestyle of the magazine, appearing in both editions to give the magazine consistancy, as will the font styles of TW Cent and Verdana. I have not chosen to put any other features like banners or flashes on, as the more sophisticated magazines I have looked at are very minimal, and prefer more text to more loud colours and gimmicks, which are reserved for younger audiences.

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