Wednesday 26 September 2012

Practice Photography Analysis


 By Emma Hall


I would choose this photo, as it is well lit and clear, with the focus on the subject, who is centred and fills up most of the frame. The bright colours of her top also make her stand out from the uniformed background. However, the pose is quite standard, being straight on to the camera, and not very interesting.

This photo is too bright and so the details on the face are lost. However the pose is more interesting than the last and has some space down the side for text.Also there is a good sense of movement in the photo. On the other hand, there may be a bit too much going on in the background for you to be able to read text over the top.

This picture isn't very good, mainly because it has blurred out of focus due to camera movement. This problem could be solved with a tripod. However it is well lit from all angles, and the background is plain enough to keep the focus of the photo on the main figure.

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