Thursday 27 September 2012

Preliminary Task - Front Cover Analysis


By Emma Hall

This is my banner, which shows the date and edition.

This is my masthead, which is the name of the magazine, and uses a house style of blue.

This is a list of other stories in the magazine. They use appropriate Leading and Kerning in a Sans Serif font.\

This is my cover story mid-shot, with the photograph I chose from my shoot.

 This is my strap line which details my cover story.

My front cover has a good layout, in my opinion, and the different elements do complement each other. Also, I think the cover story was a good choice, as it was simple, and only required the subject to hold some tickets, to make the photograph relevant to the story. However, I think the font types used are a bit boring and not very inviting or inspiring, especially on the strap line. The blue colour works well, I think to stand out from the background picture, whilst still having a sense of cohesion, ans the light blue complements the green grass and sunny lighting. On the other hand, the flash, I think, is not in an appropriate colour. Although the orange makes it stand out from the other elements and draws the reader's eye to it, the colour is a bit too different from the rest of the magazine's colour palette, and so doesn't quite fit in. I chose to put the masthead 'On Form', in a box, so that it would look different from the strap line, and not just be another horizontal line of text. This would have worked better, I think, if either the box was a slightly different shade of blue, or had some kind of effect on it like an embossed outer edge, of some kind of gradient fill, as this would make the box (and by extension the masthead) look more interesting and sophisticated than just a plain box.

Transferring my paper plan onto Adobe Photoshop was quite simple, overall, though there had to be some natural alterations, such as changing the wording of the stories to fit around the photo. Also, it was difficult to find font types on the programme to match what I had in mind when designing the cover. I tried to keep in my my plan during the photo shoot, and realised I had to keep adjusting to make sure there was room for things like a banner and a masthead. However, when I opened my photo up into Adobe, it wasn't exactly A4 size, like blank magazine cover, so it had to be expanded to fit, which meant some portions of the photograph were lost. This I turn meant my careful adjustments during the photo shoot were almost obsolete, and I had to try and work round the new expanded image.

By looking at real school magazines like this one, I can see that there are more sophisticated techniques I could employ to make my magazine look more professional, like using translucent background to enable the reader to still see the photograph underneath. This example also shows that banners do not have to be in straight lines, and that linking the colours right throughout he magazine cover really helps blend the different elements together. It also includes the school's logo, which immediately make the cover look more official.The writing 'What's Going On @' is also along the line of the banner, which is an inventive use of text which I could use to make in conjuncture with a slanted banner to make a more interesting cover.

Preliminary Task - Front Cover Analysis

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn


Purple and orange colour scheme

Background: work environment

Headline promoting main article

More info on main article

Other main story

Flash promoting a different story


The colour scheme of the front cover, purple and orange, are effective and I chose them because together they both have positive representations; purple has connotations of luxury, orange has connotations of happiness, brightness, energy. This is good for a college magazine and appeals to the audience. The masthead is effective as it is bold and clear, catches the eye and is easily readable. I decided on the blocky font as it has connotations of solidity and support; this is a direct representation of the Sixth Form and the slight patches on the masthead make the title more interesting and fun. The main photograph for the background fits the purpose and audience; the subject is a young student who attends the college and therefore can relate to the student audience, the image is located within the college and shows a good working environment. The image fits the brief of a mid-shot. The cover stories for the magazine are good, I chose them as they are stories which most students at college would be interested in, if they are first years then they will want to see the prom photos, those students wishing to further their education can find information in the magazine and the students taking particular courses can find more info on any trips.

If I did this magazine cover again I would improve the background photograph, make it more eye-catching and refine the mise en scene. However overall I think the front cover is effective and matches purpose and audience, fits the brief and is overall aesthetically pleasing. I would perhaps change the colour scheme though as it is more feminine currently and could be improved by making it more gender neutral.

My design transposed onto my front cover pretty well, the basic layout is the same and the main colours are the same. The main differences are in the typography. For the masthead the font on my design was more spiky and layered with two colours on each letter, but the masthead on the actual cover looks more effective as it is clearer and better fits the purpose/audience. The headline on my design was also more colourful, each word was a different colour, but on the cover I stuck to orange and purple which again looked much more effective and professional.

Similar Product Research

This college magazine is very different to what you would expect, it looks very professional and uses a photo of a famous singer in their background. With a pale blue and yellow colour scheme it promotes a calm but happy environment, which is good for a college atmosphere. I don't think the main image is a good representation for a college although it is a good way to make the magazine popular.

Preliminary Task - College Magazine Front Cover And Contents

By Emma Hall  

Completed front cover for my college magazine

Completed draft of contents page for college magazine

Preliminary Task - College Magazine Front Cover And Contents

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

Completed front cover for my college magazine

Completed draft of contents page for college magazine

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Preliminary Task - Peer Assessment of Photographs

By Emma Hall

Person 1 chose this photograph because:

This is good because the subject is clear and the background is to do with the college magazine. The lighting is good because everything is in good detail. There are good spaces for writing and the masthead. The subject is also smiling and looks proud of her achievement.

Person 2 chose this photograph because:

You can see the college in the background and the lighting means you can see the face. It’s also good as the girl looks casual, and is holding up some tickets for the reader to see. The only problem with this photograph is that it’s slightly too dark overall.

Person 3 also chose this photograph because:

The person is looking at the camera and smiling in a relaxed way, like in professional magazines. Also, the tree hanging over in the background is positioned well to make the photo look balanced, and artistic. In addition, the light that comes in makes the sky, grass and school look bright and inviting.

Preliminary Task - Peer Assessment of Photographs

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

Peer Assessment:

Person 1: I think this photo is the most superior because it uses a lot of space in the photo and the subject is at the bottom of the photo so there is space for titles at the top. The lighting in the shot isn't too dull but isn't too bright and the camera is in focus so there is no blur and the image isn't too sharp or perfect, therefore the photo is not ethereal in quality.

Person 2: This is a good image because there is a nice clear image for the heading, the framing is really nice because the subject is in the centre and the computer on the left balances the person out on the right. There is also a nice gap at the bottom for text. The subject also has a nice expresson; she is working hard but still having fun.

Preliminary Task - Evaluating Photos

By Emma Hall

Best Photographs:

 I chose this photograph as one of my best as the framing of the shot means model is the focus of the photo, and the tickets are in the centre of the page and so can be clearly visible. There is also adequate amount of space down the right hand side for my text, and the tickets are raised high enough to allow for my subheading along the bottom. Also, the building is positioned so that there is a gap in the top right hand corner, where my masthead can go. The sun is also coming in from the right of the photo, meaning the face is well lit, but the model doesn't have to squint. There are also trees out of shot which provide a shadow on the ground down the right side, which provide a nice plain background for where my text will go and will mean they will be more easily legible. The use of the location being the college in the background also means the college, whose magazine it is, gets featured on the front page. Being outside on a nice day, also means it looks sunny, and the school appears in a good, appealing way. However, the college does not relate directly to the main article, and as the model is wearing a bag and has the tickets in her hand, it feels like she is about to set off into  the Exhibition, so the background location should ideally be a museum. However, due to the availability of locations locally, the college does fit the job alright, as the model is supposed to be representing her college.

This photograph is not quite as good as the first, but is still quite good, as the way the tree over hangs at the top of the shot makes a nice frame and forces the viewer's focus onto the tickets. The model also has a pleasant smile and is looking directly at the camera, and appears more relaxed and natural than on the first photograph. The school can also be seen in the background, highlighted by the sunshine, which shows it in a positive light. However, the shade of the tree means the model's face is not lit up very well, as the sun has come down through the leaves to make a strange pattern across her face. Although it is quite a dark photograph in general, the dark tree branch across the top of the shot makes a nice base for my banner and masthead to  go over, as they follow the same horizontal path. The use of the tree does not relate to the article much, but the framing of the tree in this photograph means the tickets (which are relevant) are clearly visible.

The brightness of the light in this photograph make s it one of my best, as it means the colours of the sky and grass are really beautiful and bright, in an almost fairytale kind of way. The model is also quite clearly lit, but it may be that it is slightly too bright, as the left side of her face is slightly in shadow.the tickets are also clearly visible, but don't leave much space down the right hand side for the text. The base of green will let the text show up well, though, as will the masthead. The horizon line in the background is also nearly horizontal and so will match the horizontal path of the banner at the top. The school however, may not be visibile once the masthead and text are put on, but the shot as it is works well as the school and the tickets on the right balance out the model on the left. The model does appear less relaxed in this shot, but still appears happy and is the focus of the viewer's eye.

Worst Photographs: 

This photograph isn't very good, as the model, primarily is on the wrong side to how I planned for my shoot, and has her eyes closed against the sun. The light is also on the wrong side of her, meaning only the top of her face is lit, and the rest, including the tickets, is in darkness. There are also too many colours and objects down the left side which means any writing would have a hard time being read. The school is also in the way of where my masthead would be and so would be covered up.  The wind is also blowing the model's air slightly wild, and the way the tickets are held is a bit awkward. The angle of the camera also means she is leant slightly out of shot. Other than that, the overall balance of the shot is good, with the school on the right balancing the model on the left.

The lighting on this photograph is alright, but the left of the model's face is slightly in shadow, but other than that, the model is well lit. However the pose the model is pulling does not look professional, and the photo was took at the wrong time and caught the wrong expression.The tickets are also held in a manner which doesn't display them very well. There is also not much to see in the background, and the location could be anywhere, without much relevance to the cover story.

This picture isn't very effective as the model isn't looking at the camera, which makes her pose with the tickets look slightly random. She is also having to squint slightly into the sun. The shot is also quite a close mid-shot, and so the model fills most of the left hand side and so doesn't leave much room for a banner at the top. However, the closer shot means the writing on the tickets is legible, though they are held at an awkward angle, and will impede on the reading of the text down the right side, as will the school building. The light is coming in at a good angle to light up the model's face though, and the background location looks really sunny and bright.

Preliminary Task - Evaluating Photos

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

Best Photos:
1. This is one of the best photos that I took, mainly because the positioning and the lighting are good. There is enough neutral space in the background where the mast head will go that wont obstruct the font, but there's not too much so that the focus of the image is lost too much. The lighting is clear but not harsh either. The mise en scene of the image could have been slightly more precise; the foreground and subject are good, the background has a few unwanted items in the way but these don't have a significant effect on the whole image. The angle of the image I am very happy with: you can see the person clearly and also what she is doing. However the framing could have been a little better, perhaps with the subject slightly more centre frame as she is currently very far to the left of the frame, and there is empty space in the centre of the photo.
2. This is also one of the better photos as the framing and angle has improved on the last one. Here the subject is fully in frame and more centred which is more aesthetically pleasing, and the angle of the photo also emulates this. There isn't as much empty space. The mise en scene on this image needs to be refined as well as the coat hooks and door in the background are in a bad position for the mast head. The foreground is good though. The lighting on this photo is okay, there are no obstructing shadows, but there are a few patches of white light and the subject is slightly darkened. The positioning on this photo is good quality too, the subject is clear.


3. This one is also good because of the lighting and positioning but the framing lets it down. The space at the top is a good place for the mast head yet again there is a large gap in the centre of the image. This could be improved by moving the subject more centre frame and angling the shot more towards the person than the room. The focus of the shot has been lost slightly.The mise en scene on this is very good, only a bottle in the background which shouldn't be there. The rest is good. The lighting on this could also be improved as there is a few minor white patches, although the subject is clear and well lit.

 Worst Photos:
1. This is one of the worst photos because the only good things are the costume and props are right. The positioning of the photo is acceptable but could be improved by moving the subject more centre frame, and moving the angle so the person is angled more towards the camera and not side on. The lighting in this is clear but there are patches of bright white light which make the photo look unprofessional. The mise en scene has failed as the background isn't neutral enough for the front cover and mast head, there is a hand in the background and a large white empty space behind the subject. Too much background has caused the focus of the shot to be lost a lot.


 2. This is one of the worst as nothing went particularly well. Firstly, the framing is shocking; there is way too much background and empty space, the subject is not fully in the picture. The positioning of the subject is okay, the angle in which she is sat looks good, but she needs to be further in shot. The problem with the mise en scene was again the background, unwanted coat pegs and posters which detract from the image. The lighting is all over the place, patches of white light on the subject and in the background.


  3. Another bad photo; more problems with background, lighting and some minor issues with framing. This image is the worst for lighting, although the subject is well lit and clear, the patches of bright white are more frequent here, and are also much more distracting. Again, large empty spaces and obstacles in the background detract from the foreground. The angle on this photo should also be more focused on the subject and closer in.

Preliminary Task - Evaluation of Photo Shoot

By Emma Hall

  1. The photo shoot was well organised, and we got through the shots quite quickly. My model turned up with all the right costume and props. The ticket props made were a bit too small for the camera to pick up on any detail, and as they were made out of paper, they were a bit flimsy and wavered a bit in the wind. We moved around the locations efficiently and the only problems during shooting were when the light came in on occasion and was too bright for the model to look into. However this was overcome by changing the model's pose slightly to combat the sun. However the camera we used had a memory card that didn't fit with the memory card readers in college. This led to delays with being able to upload the photographs after the shoot. Next time, we will have to bring in a multi-card reader from home, to ensure the photographs can be uploaded promptly.
  2. So far, I have learnt that where the light is can affect the shot seriously when shooting outside as the sun can be too bright to look into, and can leave the figure in darkness if the sun is behind them. Another key point is how the background is framed, as when photographing for a magazine, you have to keep in your head how your magazine looks, and things like whether the text will show up against a certain colour. It is also a good idea to look around where your going to shoot before the day, so you know exactly what will be in your shot in terms of colours, and whether it is physically possible to fit all the aspects you want into the photograph.
  3. I have learnt a lot about using Adobe, as I had never used it before. I can now open a blank page to the A4 size, and import, crop and recolour a photograph, using the colour replacement tool. I also know how to make the background of an image transparent, and how to add a multitude of shapes into my blank page. In addition to this I have also learnt how to insert text into my page. I have also begun to understand how to fine tune the tools I use, like by resizing brush tools, and changing fonts and colours. Also, I can use the fill tool to change the background colour.

Preliminary Task - Evaluation Of Photo Shoot

 By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

The photo shoot was organised for Monday morning when the whole cast/crew were free and this helped the shoot go well as we had plenty of time to set up and take pictures. Emma was the model and the shoot took place in the Sixth Form ICT suite. Her costume was everyday clothes but with a scarf and blazer to make the outfit smarter; this implies that her situation is a learning environment which fits with the form of a college magazine. I positioned her with a computer so that she looked like she was in college, this has a connotation that the college is successful and students want to learn. Overall the shoot went to plan and I achieved the effect I wanted. However there were problems with the memory card in the camera as we found it was the wrong type for the card readers; this presented a problem as there was no way to import the photos from the card to the computer. To solve this problem I am going to put the photos on a memory stick at home and then in future situations bring a card reader that fits the memory card I use.

Photographs involve a large number of things that need to be considered before an effective photo can be taken. I learnt this recently as we had to plan everything that was going to be involved and used in our own photo shoots, for example in the mise en scene, lighting, props. The lighting is especially important as natural light and artificial light have different affects, the amount of light also has a significant effect on the image. Too much light casts large unwanted shadows or large white patches which obscure the photo; too less light shows the subject unclearly and the focus is lost. The positioning of the subject is also a key aspect. There needs to be a balance of space around the subject of the photo, too much space draws the eye away, too little space makes the photo crowded.

Adobe is an effective tool for manipulating images, and I have learnt the basics of how to use layers and add text etc. To resize an image without changing the ratios hold shift whilst resizing, an image shouldn't be stretched an distorted to fit a page, you can make the image slightly bigger. When adding text on top of an image you have to move the layer the text is on above the layer the picture is on, otherwise the text remains underneath the image and cannot be seen.

Preliminary Task - Front Cover And Contents Page Draft

 By Emma Hall

Paper plan of college magazine front cover.

Paper plan of college magazine contents page.

Preliminary Task - Front Cover And Contents Page Draft


By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn 

Paper draft of college magazine front cover
 Paper draft of college magazine contents page

Practice Photography Analysis


 By Emma Hall


I would choose this photo, as it is well lit and clear, with the focus on the subject, who is centred and fills up most of the frame. The bright colours of her top also make her stand out from the uniformed background. However, the pose is quite standard, being straight on to the camera, and not very interesting.

This photo is too bright and so the details on the face are lost. However the pose is more interesting than the last and has some space down the side for text.Also there is a good sense of movement in the photo. On the other hand, there may be a bit too much going on in the background for you to be able to read text over the top.

This picture isn't very good, mainly because it has blurred out of focus due to camera movement. This problem could be solved with a tripod. However it is well lit from all angles, and the background is plain enough to keep the focus of the photo on the main figure.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Practice Photography Analysis

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

I would choose this photo because the lighting in this shot is interesting but there is a large bright patch on the left which slightly detracts from the photo, however the rest of the lighting is good. The poster appears as the main focus of the image so the eye is drawn away from the person which is not what we wanted.

 The background in the image is too busy in this image as the focus on the person is lost slightly. The photo is well lit as everything is clear. The image is more interesting as the person is doing something.

The lighting on this photo is good as there are no ugly shadows or large patches of white light and everything is clear. Again there is too much background and the focus of the image is lost. 

Why I Chose Media

By Emma Hall

I chose media as I have a love of films and photography and enjoy looking at the way these things are done. I hope to learn how to use key programmes like Adobe Photoshop, and be able to take photographs to a higher standard. I'd also like to know more about the media terminology, industry and its processes, in order to maybe enter the industry in the future. I'd also like to learn more about things like magazine layouts, as I enjoy creative activities, and have an interest in the structure of magazines.

Why I Chose Media

By Deanna Hammond-Blackburn

I chose media because I took media at GCSE, I love films, reading, TV etc, and loved the course; I learnt many new skills which I can use in the future and I enjoy the subject as a whole. Media is also a key aspect in my career aspirations so this A level was a logical choice. What i want to learn from media is about things such as using Adobe, how to improve my photography skills, how social media works and the processes involved in creating things such as magazines, films etc.